About Us

Engineering & Environmental Services

At Ecologic Engineering Pvt. Ltd., we are a one stop solution for environmental competence be it Solid, Liquid, Gaseous or Hazardous. Our expert engineers and technicians can customize from our wide gamut of waste management offerings to suit your exact requirement.
Ecologic Engineering Pvt. Ltd., a LEADING COMPANY IN ‘ENERGY FROM WASTE’ offers a broad portfolio of comprehensive environmental solutions, and its scope of activities includes consultancy, design, engineering, technology development, construction, operations and maintenance of plants and facilities in Wastewater management on an end-to-end solution.
Our Company’s advanced technology solutions address a wide spectrum of environmental issues in wastewater treatment and scientific disposal. Our solutions are based on efficient and environmentally sound technology, are thoroughly tested, can be flexibly adapted to user requirements, and cover the entire plant life cycle.
With a strong expertise at Ecologic Engineering Pvt. Ltd, we are well positioned to meet the challenges of protecting the environment and enriching the lives of communities in a cleaner environment. And making the world a better place to be in for the future generation
Happy Clients
Years of Experience
It should be Design

Our Vision

"Incorporation of sustainable practice in all walks of life"

OUR Managing Director

Shri Eshwar Reddy


Today, change is everywhere. Our customer’s requirements  are evolving rapidly in response to volatile environmental mitigations measures. We take it a step forward from there  to ensure these measures also give value for money. Sustainability is often the spur, driving demand for better, cleaner, and more-efficient products and ways of doing things.

Our quest for sustainable solutions has driven continuous improvement in the way we provide services and solutions .

This transformation aims at making us more agile, cost-efficient, and aligning us ever more closely to the needs and requirements of our customers.

Here, you will also discover our commitment to the communities where we live and work; how we protect and sustain the environment we all share; our innovative technologies that builds a better future; the quality products we offer our customers.

We have always found excitement in challenge. As you browse through this website, you will get a sense of the passion, expertise, and innovative nature that we bring to our mission. We call this ‘WE CARE FOR THE FUTURE.’